GenAI-Powered Data Conversion: Transforming Data & Analytics Processes with GenAI

The GenAI Revolution

In the ever-evolving Digital Age, we've witnessed numerous market disruptions—Big Data, cloud computing, IoT, blockchain, data fabric—but GenAI stands apart. GenAI offers transformative potential across various sectors by enhancing how businesses operate and gain competitive advantage.  

Unlike past innovations, GenAI's ability to process unstructured text, audio, and video data opens new avenues for problem-solving and efficiency. While its applications span almost every business function, the true game changer lies in strategically leveraging GenAI to solve specific business challenges, rather than merely upgrading technical applications. As organizations navigate this new frontier, the focus should shift from the technology itself to the tangible problems it can resolve, ensuring a meaningful impact on both business operations and customer experiences. 

Simplify Code Conversion with GenAI

Code conversion can be costly and complex. But we have designed a faster, easier path to ROI. Our GenAI-Powered Data Conversion solution simplifies and accelerates this process, providing a more scalable and flexible approach.

Want a closer look under the hood? Click here to get access to full-length solution demos.

Simplify Code Conversion with GenAI

The Problem with Current Processes

Traditional data engineering and analytics processes are slow, manual, and prone to error. Your team spends countless hours on mundane tasks, leaving little time for strategic initiatives.  Data professionals spend way too much time working on the data and way too little working with the data. This inefficiency is costing time, money, and limiting competitive advantage. 

The Benefits You’re Missing Out On

Applying GenAI to upgrade or convert your legacy data engineering and analytics workflows is a game changer. This isn’t just an incremental improvement—it's a paradigm shift. Here’s how GenAI can revolutionize your data strategy: 

  • Reduce Conversion Effort & Reliance on Strategic Implementation Partners: Automate code migration & data conversion and testing, accelerating migration with smaller, more nimble teams.
  • Increase Data Engineering Velocity: Streamline data engineering tasks such as assisting with code generation and unit test creation, generating test data, standardizing code across developers, and automating mundane tasks (e.g., nulls) 
  • Increase Pace of Delivery: Speed up the development of analytics, including machine learning models, for quicker, data-driven decisions. 
  • Improved Data Governance: Ensure standardized data terminology and enhanced data quality.
  • Lowered Barriers for Business Users: Make data accessible to everyone, leading to higher adoption rates and better decision-making. 

The Hard Numbers

Savings in Code Migration Efforts
Increase in Engineering Velocity
Increase in Analytics Velocity
Increase in Data Governance Efficiency and Adoption

West Monroe’s GenAI-Powered Conversion Solution

You might be skeptical about seeing tangible ROI from generative AI. We get that. But consider this: Our GenAI-powered conversion solution, built on the Databricks platform, offers a seamless and efficient approach to data conversion and migration. Our human-in-the-loop approach leverages the best of GenAI while incorporating critical human oversight for optimal results.

Key Features

  • Automated Code Conversion: Automatically convert legacy code to new formats, reducing manual coding efforts.
  • Source-to-Target Mapping: Automate critical documentation of transformation logic and data quality rules, ensuring accuracy and consistency.
  • Accelerated Workflow Creation: Quickly create workflows and pipelines, speeding up your projects.
  • Enhanced Documentation: Generate foundational documentation like table inventory and processing dependencies in record time.

The Business Value of Our GenAI-Powered Solution

Our GenAI-powered conversion approach is not just about technical efficiency—it's about delivering tangible business value. Here’s how:

  • Significant Reduction in Effort: Our solution has demonstrated a 70% reduction in effort for complex conversions, such as migrating SQL stored procedures to PySpark functions for Databricks. This means your team can achieve more with less, freeing up resources for other strategic initiatives.
  • Accelerated Time-to-Value: By automating key steps in the conversion process, we dramatically reduce the time required to complete migrations. For example, our approach can accelerate current state analysis by 80% and code conversion by at least 50%. This rapid turnaround translates to faster deployment of new technologies and quicker realization of business benefits.
  • Enhanced Accuracy and Consistency: Automating the documentation and conversion process ensures that your data is accurately and consistently transformed. This reduces the risk of errors that can occur with manual processes, leading to higher quality outcomes and greater trust in your data.
  • Improved Developer Productivity: Our GenAI-powered solution allows developers to focus on higher-value tasks by automating routine and repetitive tasks. This not only boosts productivity but also enhances job satisfaction as developers can engage in more meaningful and impactful work, and benefiting from the tools long after West Monroe is gone.
  • Scalable and Flexible: Our solution is designed to be scalable and flexible, accommodating various API endpoint providers such as Databricks and OpenAI. This ensures that your organization can adapt and grow without being limited by technology constraints.

Why Trust West Monroe?

West Monroe has cross-functional expertise across technology, industry, and operations that allows us build, manage, deliver, and deploy modern data strategies that drive business value. Our partnership with Databricks is a testament to our commitment to staying at the forefront of innovation. We have helped numerous organizations build modern data platforms, leveraging Databricks' Lakehouse architecture to unify data, analytics, and AI.  

By partnering with West Monroe, you’re joining forces with an industry leader committed to driving your success through innovative data and analytics solutions. 

Get access to the full-length solution demos

Get access to the full-length solution demos

Our GenAI-Powered Data Conversion solution is a scalable and flexible approach that significantly reduces manual effort for complex conversions and accelerates speed-to-value. Access the full-length free demos for more information.