Betsy Soehren Jones

Betsy Soehren Jones

Managing Director Energy & Utilities Washington, D.C.


Cybersecurity is constantly evolving and increasing in complexity. Educating and guiding stakeholders—from line workers to boards—is critical, but it’s no easy task. As the daughter of teachers, that’s what Betsy does best.

Over the course of two decades, Betsy has gained invaluable insight into the most effective ways to mitigate business risks, particularly by ensuring the security of software and hardware devices. For a large utility, she oversaw the internal auditing process to ensure compliance with 6,000 security controls across information and operational technology. In addition to supporting clients across the electric, gas, oil, and water sectors, Betsy also works closely with investors, startups, vendors, and manufacturers to ensure products meet security standards prior to installation in infrastructure grids.

Previously, Betsy was chief operating officer of Fortress Information Security, the industry’s Center of Excellence for supply chain security. She spent the bulk of her career with Exelon Corporation in various roles, including director of security governance and strategy. She earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana and a master’s degree in public policy and administration from Northwestern University.

What makes Betsy different

Betsy has written over 50 Girl Scout curricula related to STEM topics, led Girl Scout troops in multiple states, and completed all Girl Scout “patch/journeys” with her daughters for every level of the organization. Always looking for a new challenge, she is training to walk the multiweek Camino de Santiago in Spain.

Where Betsy makes an impact

She serves as executive director and chairwoman of the Critical Infrastructure Security Consortium (CISC)—a newly formed organization of electric, gas, oil, water, and transportation asset owners and business organizations that collaborate to protect supply chain activities and supplier networks from cyber and other business risks.

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