Issa Sweilem

Issa Sweilem

Senior Manager Technology & Experience Chicago


Issa guides complex and transformational initiatives – including those related to integrations, divestitures, and other M&A transactions – to successful completion while applying well-honed leadership skills and change management experience.

Issa led IT infrastructure and application integration to support the merger of a Canadian company and a U.S. company with combined headcount of nearly 8,000 employees. The CEO and CTO were thrilled that the integration was completed so smoothly that the new company was up and running first thing Monday morning. This is a professional passion point for Issa. He loves seeing a client's smile when a major project is completed with little or no impact to business operations.

Team members value Issa’s expertise navigating through project complexity to reach successful outcomes. Issa challenges everyone he works with to push him to continually improve and grow.

Prior to joining West Monroe, Issa spent 15 years in IT management roles with healthcare and professional services organizations. 

What makes Issa different

Big-hearted and compassionate, Issa finds satisfaction in doing everything he can to make the world a better place. This starts at home while doing his most important work as a husband and loving father of two energetic boys. He also makes time for fun, including fantasy football and craft beer tasting.

Where Issa makes an impact

Issa volunteers with and makes financial contributions to organizations and research hospitals including St. Jude and Northwestern. He also helps people on an individual level, providing clothing, food, and other items to those in need.

Meet the Technology & Experience team