Joe Brown

Joe Brown

Senior Partner Technology & Experience San Francisco


Joe believes the best way to predict the future is to build it. Prior to West Monroe, he’s guided successful products from concept to scale, having worked with dozens of companies from Moderna and Michelin to Meta and Microsoft (and that's just the M's). His secret sauce is his favorite part of the work: translating customer needs into working business solutions.   
Prior to joining West Monroe, Joe was an executive director at IDEO. For over a decade there, he led hundreds of designers, engineers, and technologists to find new angles on old problems, and have fun doing it. Before that, he taught classes in marketing and organizational behavior at Stanford Graduate School of Business, where he also earned his MBA.  
Joe began his career as a professional artist, but requests to create logos and web pages led him headlong into business. He became obsessed with figuring out what it takes for companies to invest in innovation and make the right product decisions.

What makes Joe different

Joe doesn’t just like to build businesses. Joe spends weekends making his kids everything from doll houses to tree houses. He has a patent is for a frozen novelty dessert. 

Where Joe makes an impact

Joe’s seen how every time you change a product, you must change the organization around it. So, Joe has also helped several dozen companies foster purpose-driven cultures—creating purpose statements, reviving values, and activating them with teams. His writing on clearer purpose, smarter products, and cleaner design have been featured in Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, and Quartz. He was one of three external advisors to Aspen Institute’s First Movers Fellowship, which drives business and social value. 

Meet the Technology & Experience team