Nathan Beu

Nathan Beu

Partner Technology & Experience Chicago


As the Technology practice’s leader of transaction services, Nathan works closely with our Mergers & Acquisitions clients and practice on technology diligence and post-close value creation. Nathan concentrates on due diligence methodology improvement and standardization for the 400+ annual deals in which West Monroe is an adviser, as well as translation of that effort into post-close improvement and value creation. Nathan leverages years of experience in handling technology implementation programs and IT operational improvements. 

An adept project leader with integration and separation management office experience, Nathan excels at resource, budget, and risk management. He has led multiple large-scale integration projects, including the IT lead for a private equity firm that acquired and integrated two healthcare companies, as well as one for a private equity firm that integrated two large security services companies.

Prior to joining West Monroe, Nathan played multiple roles at First American Bank in Chicago, including leading the bank's infrastructure and IT security team. Nathan has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois.

What makes Nathan different

Nathan lived in Yellowstone National Park for a summer in college. These days, he enjoys playing golf, basketball, and softball. He lives with his wife Suzi, two kids, and two dogs. Together, they enjoy spending time outdoors and traveling.

Where Nathan makes an impact

Nathan helped a client exit a TSA ahead of schedule, netting cost savings of more than $2 million.

Meet the Technology & Experience team