Smart Manufacturing: Elevate Your Operations with Industry 4.0

Boost efficiency, cut costs, and elevate performance with Smart Manufacturing

Industry 4.0 has ushered in a new era where information is transformed into actionable insights in real-time, optimizing manufacturing processes and driving productivity.

Powered by data from the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Smart Products, this strategy offers significant benefits for those willing to invest:

  • Labor productivity improvement: 15-30% 
  • Machine downtime reduction: 30-50%
  • Throughput increase: 10-30%
  • Quality improvement: 10-30%
  • Cost reduction: 10-30%
  • Sustainability enhancement: 10-30% 

Manufacturers must go beyond merely connecting equipment or initiating Industry 4.0 projects to maximize benefits. They must seamlessly integrate people, processes, technology, and data within a culture that fully leverages technology to identify and address performance issues across the value chain. That’s Smart Manufacturing. 

Results You Can Expect 

  • Increase efficiency and productivity

  • Reduce costs

  • Decrease unplanned maintenance

  • Increase asset utilization, uptime, and throughput

  • Grow revenue

  • Improve quality

  • Adopt change

Discover how West Monroe can help you transform your operations with Smart Manufacturing. Contact us today to learn more. 

What We Offer

Manufacturing Strategy and Value Identification (VID)

How do you adapt the digital factory vision to your company and deliver that strategy with constantly evolving technology? How do you meet your performance improvement and cost reduction goals today? How do you justify investments in new technology? We’ll help you answer these questions and offer a value-driven path forward. 

Our rapid yet comprehensive manufacturing VID assessment builds deep insight into your factory operations and the technology deployed across it. Leveraging a data-based approach, we go beyond evaluating maturity to provide actionable insights. We incorporate the needs of the end-to-end value chain and the workers within it to provide accurate, integrated, and achievable recommendations. The bottom line: In as little as two weeks, you’ll have a clearer picture of the value your company can realize and the path to achieving it.

Operational Excellence

Are your business processes lean and efficient? Do the right tools and information exist to guide workers and help them consistently make the right decisions? Are functions integrated and workers fully leveraged? Are expectations and communication clear across all levels? 

Digital factories built on a solid operational foundation realize maximum potential. Whether you’re focused on macro-level issues such as operating model development or management system refinement, or delivering tactical projects such as lean manufacturing deployment or standard work development, our team of multidisciplinary experts will partner with your organization to guide, deliver, coach, and quickly achieve results.

Workforce & Automation

The global population growth rate is in decline. Population centers and demographics are shifting. New generations are entering the workplace, and attitudes and values are evolving. Coupled with continuous access to new technology, organizations face the reality of rapidly shifting and evolving to compete for the valuable resources required for day-to-day processes. Attracting talent is only part of the equation. How do you optimize workforce utilization? How do you reskill your workforce to meet evolving operational needs? How do you blend human capital strategies with technology to move forward toward your goals? Most importantly, how do you ensure sustainable change? Our team of specialists brings insights and proven approaches to help you think outside the box, anticipate issues, and implement actions that advance your strategy.

Digital & Data Solutions

The Industry 4.0 market is rapidly evolving with technology and providers. An expected 18-20% CAGR over the next decade means the landscape will continue to grow in complexity. Industry 4.0 heavily relies on the integration of systems—increasing risk for strategies that are not well planned or refined. Symptoms include increased technical debt, non-optimized solutions, and failed implementations.

What are the right use cases to pursue? What are the right technologies to use? How do you pilot use cases and scale efficiently? Our team of technologists will help you seamlessly integrate IT and OT to achieve ROI quickly. We’ll help build data into your strategy to ensure solutions provide insights—not just information. We’ll help you align KPIs with the organization to drive accountability and connect the strategy to all levels of the organization. 

Want to Learn More?