Episode 23: The Best Digital Transformation Advice We've Heard So Far
The best digital transformation advice from 25+ guests in one episode
July 11, 2023
About the episode
Taco Bell went on a journey from being a traditional brick-and-mortar restaurant chain to becoming a digitally led organization. I asked CEO Mark King how you make the case for change when you’re already successful. From Episode 1: The internet’s role in the rebirth of Taco Bell’s Mexican Pizza.
"In 24 months, we've gone from 0% of our business to 25 to be digital. And all the indicators when we go more digital is it's more profitable. The check is bigger, the consumer likes it more, it's easier. So now we have a goal that we want to have 50% of our business be digital. Okay. And just last week somebody said, I think we're wrong. I think we have to be 100% digital."
Another guest that had great insights on digital transformation was Tracy Saula, SVP of Product & Health Experience at Highmark Health. Tracy explains how Highmark is creating a health ecosystem that works better for everyone. From Episode 16: From healthcare company to product company: Highmark’s journey.
"If you look at the two most important people in the health care equation, it's people trying to care for their health and the clinicians, the providers that are trying to help them. Both are disenfranchised by the system. So, we recognized in our strategy that to transform health, that you really had to put the person and their clinician at the center of the model, and then everything else would be built around that."
Tim Simmons, Senior Vice President and Chief Product Officer at Sam's Club, spoke more on how his team is using AI to increase efficiency and create positive experiences for both their members and associates. From Episode 17: Sam’s Club: From Traditional retailer to digital leader.
"AI, machine learning, computer vision, even generative AI, as we think about the experience, we're creating for both members and associates, it's emerging as, I think, a huge differentiator for us and how we deliver. We used to be routine based. We even had this thing we called the routine wheel in the club, and it was like, you start here to here and then you go to here. And it was all routine. But if you ask the question, well, are you sure those are the most valuable things to be doing right now? Nobody could answer that question."
Listen to the episode for more great advice from Tiffany Bova, Allie K. Miller, Rob Wescott, and West Monroe experts Sean McHale, Dana Twomey, Rick Sabatino, Courtney Hemphill, and Casey Foss.